Neurofeedback, also referred to as EEG Biofeedback, is a non-invasive, pain-free computer-based technique which retrains the brain to produce brainwave patterns that are beneficial to better functioning. By calming the brain, the client is better able to control their emotions, feelings and thoughts.
Neurofeedback is a safe, long-lasting, drug-free alternative to treating the following conditions:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Chemotherapy induced neuropathy
- Brain fog
- Dyslexia
- Sleep disorders
- Panic attacks
- Learning disorders
- Stress
- Obsessive Thoughts
- Compulsions
- Migraines
- Chronic Pain
- Other Conditions
What happens during a Neurofeedback session?
During a session, sensors or a full cap are placed on the head to monitor the brainwave activity which is displayed onto the therapist’s computer monitor. On a separate screen, the client views a video game that is generated using their brainwave activity. Each time a healthy brainwave is achieved, the client is rewarded via graphics and auditory sound. As healthier brainwaves are achieved, a healthier state of mind (e.g. focused, alert, relaxed) is learned. By rewarding the healthier brainwave activity, the brain learns how to become more flexible, ideally resulting in relief of symptoms.
The overall goal is to help the client manage their symptoms and improve their performance in whatever area of life they desire such as school, work, or relaxation. For more information regarding Neurofeedback, go to the ISNR web site.